Bulbs to Plant in Fall Months

Aug 29, 2022

The end of summer is the perfect time to plan what plants to plant in the fall to enjoy spring flowering. It has been proven that young plants planted in autumn suffer less from diseases, as the winter cold strengthens their immunity. Learn what bulbs are suitable for panting during the autumn months. 
Fall Leaves Image

Fall Leaves Image

For some flowers, autumn planting is the only possible option - such as natural bulbous flowers with spring blooms. They need to stay in the soil for some time during the cold seasons to bloom in spring. Perennials and annuals that are propagated by seeds can also be planted in the autumn months.

However, in order to enjoy healthy and beautiful plants, it is important to plan the planting dates well. If sowing is done too early, the seeds will germinate and die from the winter cold. Later sowing also has its risks - it is not easy to loosen frozen or very wet soil.

The Advantages of Having a Fall Garden

Autumn planting has undeniable advantages:

  • First, flowers planted or sown in the fall will bloom in the first year of the growing season;

  • Second, it will free you from the hassle of growing seedlings in the winter and save you the time you had to spend planting them outdoors in the spring;

  • In autumn and winter the seeds in the ground undergo natural stratification, so that the seedlings that appear in the spring will be strong, they will be able to tolerate spring frosts and bloom two to three weeks earlier than those shown in the spring;

  • Flowers planted in the fall are less exposed to diseases and pests throughout their lives;

  • In the spring, when the snow melts, the seeds from the autumn sowing in the soil absorb the maximum amount of moisture, which helps them to grow quickly. Flowers sown in the spring may experience a lack of moisture due to the fact that when the air temperature rises, its evaporation from the top layer of soil increases.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to start planting and sowing flowers in the fall.

Planting Flowers During Autumn

The most favorable period for autumn sowing of bulbous flowers is until the end of November, and garden - in December.

Planting of natural bulbous flowers such as tulips, daffodils, irises, hyacinths begins in late September and ends in late November.

They do not tolerate planting in cold or frozen soil. Under suitable conditions, they need at least 8-10 days to take root successfully.

Only cold-resistant plants can be planted in autumn. Although the packets of seeds sold in stores may indicate that they are suitable for autumn sowing, if you want to be sure whether you will be successful, consider whether the flowers in question are self-seeding in the winter. If the answer is yes, then plant them boldly before the permanent winter cold.

Autumn planting of biennial flowers

Most types of biennial flowers - daisies, roses, violets and more. bloom in the second year after sowing. However, if you make seedlings from them earlier (July) and plant it in the fall, they will bloom in the first spring.

Use only healthy, undamaged bulbs for planting. Before sowing it is good to treat them against fungal diseases.

Easily overwintering bulbous plants are: snowdrops, hyacinths, muscari, tulips, daffodils, irises, most hemerocallis.

  • Gladiolus bulbs can overwinter in warmer regions.

  • Cold, dahlias, begonias can not withstand the cold. Their bulbs die at a temperature of minus 5 degrees.

And lastly, even if you have enjoyed planting the pretty flowers, you will have to wait until spring in order to see them bloomed. But don’t forget that you can always get yourself a fall flower arrangement whenever you need from the flower shop!
Author: Alice Dover
Alice Dover
Content Writer Manager for TodayFlowerDelivery since 2017
Avid Plant Lover
Gardener Enthusiast  
- "When I have something to say, I do it with roses. I don't really believe that words have any meaning." 
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Clay C. wrote:

This article is pretty good! I follow your blog and really like the ideas and tips.

Anastasia S. wrote:

Next week I plan to plant the bulbs of the tulips and daffodils, followed by the hydrangea. I plant them at different depths so that when the first ones overbloom, the second ones bloom. This is how I guarantee that there will always be fresh flowers in my garden.

Tony Moen wrote:

Hello gardeners! I'm looking forward to sharing my experience with preparing for spring. Today I planted the iris bulbs - my daughters favorite flower. I hope they take root soon and in the spring the whole garden will be blue!
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