Peony Care Guide

May 09, 2022

Peony is named after an ancient Greek physician who treated patients with plant roots. The genus has about 40 species that originate from Europe, Asia and North America. Most species are perennial herbaceous or shrubby plants. They have large, complex, cut leaves. Flowering is May-June, and the size of the flower is from 6 to 13 inches. They are showy or simple. Their color is from white to dark red.
Peonies in a Vase Image

Peonies in a Vase Image


The 101 Guide of About Growing Peonies

With the exception of the peony tree, all others are propagated by seeds and by division. The seeds after cracking the fruit box are red - without germ and black - with germ. Sprouted plants (often 1-2 years) develop slowly and bloom after about 6-7 years. Therefore, rhizome division is practiced. The division takes place in September-October, and if you missed this deadline may be in February - March before the active vegetation. Depending on the size of the tuft, it is divided so that each new part has at least 3 buds (eyes). The larger the eyes, the more secure the flowering in the first year after division. The distance between the individual tufts should be about 50 -70 inches. The soil should be very well cultivated and possibly fertilized with organic fertilizer. The planting of peony and the quality of the soil are decisive for its flowering. Deeply planted plants form only leaves. Plant the rhizome 3-5 inches below the soil surface. The plant remains in one place for 10 years or more.

Caring for peonies after planting them in the garden

This period is very important in the life of the flower. He must have time to regain his strength and prepare for winter. At the same time on the rhizome are placed renewed buds designed for growing new stems. From the appearance of the bud to the formation of shoots, it takes two or more years and will bloom in this photo in just three years. Thus, mistakes in the care of peonies after flowering will appear in a few years.

Therefore, how well you take care of the plant at this time depends on how well the bush will bloom in the coming years. So how do we care for peonies after they have faded? First you need to cut all the flowering inflorescences and remove the fallen petals from the ground.

Useful tips for caring for peonies in your garden:

  • The ground under the bush is preferable not to be dry and you should try to periodically water it.
  • The timing of watering and nutrishuring the plants is of vital importance;
  • you should periodically mulch or loosen the soil around the peony.

Rules for Watering The Peony Flowers

Peonies are shrubs that have thick leaves that evaporate a lot of moisture. Therefore, they require abundant watering. Insufficient moisture leads to weak flower buds and as a result the bush will bloom poorly for next year.

The flowers are watered once a week (depending on the weather). As well as that, the frequency of watering the peonies depends on the size of the bush. Usually 1 to 3 buckets of water are consumed per plant. In this case, the burning of the plant will be excluded. It is best to water in the evening, as water evaporation decreases in the evening and at night, and the roots will get more.

Attention! The soil should be wet to the full depth of the root.

Before watering, you can dig a hole around the bush at a distance of 20-30 inches, to a depth of 15 inches, and pour water into this hole. After watering, they bury it. It is not recommended that water fall on the bush during irrigation, as soaked buds may become discolored and the bush itself may develop fungal disease. Watering should be stopped with the onset of autumn. However, it is impossible to dispose of abruptly, so the volume of water is gradually reduced.

Sometimes it can be difficult to grow the flowers yourself. If this is the case for you or you just don’t have enough time but still want to have this gorgeous plant, purchase a peony bouquet  from the nearest store. With today's technology, people can easily get flowers delivered to their door by online ordering.

Author: Sasha Middletown
Sasha Middletown
Photography enthusiast since 2015
Copywriter at TodayFlowerDelivery 
Marketing Student at University of Arizona
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