How to Take Care of Mums

Sep 05, 2022

The flowers of chrysanthemums (Latin Chrysanthemum) belong to the genus of herbaceous annuals and perennials of the family Asteraceae. The genus includes about 30 species, representatives of which grow in areas with cool and temperate climates and especially in Asia. Chrysanthemum has been known in horticulture for more than a thousand years, and the plant came to Europe in the 17th century.
Mum Bushes in the Garden Image

Mum Bushes in the Garden Image

Home Flower Chrysanthemum - Features

The house chrysanthemum is not large in size, as it is grown by artificially stopping its growth with specially developed preparations. Although there have been cases that a garden-sized plant was obtained from the acquired pruning of a house chrysanthemum.

Usually indoor chrysanthemums are low-growing varieties of mulberry or Chinese chrysanthemums, which are abundantly flowering shrubs with a height of 6 to 28 inches. In addition, their flowers can be small, up to 1 - 1.5 inches in diameter or large - up to 2 inches in diameter. The same varieties of house chrysanthemums differ in the shape of the flowers. In addition to Chinese chrysanthemums, Korean and Indian chrysanthemums are grown in the home culture.

Planting and caring for chrysanthemums outdoors

Chrysanthemum blooms at home usually in autumn and winter, but in order for its flowering to last as long as possible, you need to create optimal conditions for the plant and follow certain rules of care.

How To Care For Chrysanthemums

What conditions does the home chrysanthemum require? And if you are looking on how to grow chrysanthemums indoors, we will help you! First, it is necessary to establish a comfortable temperature regime, secondly, to observe the required level of illumination and thirdly, to maintain the water balance, optimal for the flower.

It is difficult to call a chrysanthemum a thermophilic plant, so in summer it feels best at a temperature of 64 - 73 ºF, in autumn-spring at 60 - 65 ºF, and in winter at 38 - 47 ºF. It is when this temperature regime is observed that many buds are tied and chrysanthemums bloom long and abundantly.

As for lighting, potted chrysanthemums are grown on window sills facing east or west, as the flowers can dry out in the southern windows from excess sun, and in the north they bloom poorly. But potted chrysanthemums feel best on cool but well-lit porches, balconies and loggias, and with the onset of real heat, it is advisable to take the chrysanthemum out into the yard.

During the active period of growth you will need to pinch and prune the chrysanthemum to form a dense and lush shrub. In addition, it is necessary to regularly remove dried inflorescences and yellowed leaves.

Watering Chrysanthemums

Successful cultivation of chrysanthemums requires proper watering. The chrysanthemum is hygrophilous, so the soil in its pot should be slightly moist at all times. Caring for chrysanthemums at home involves also moistening the soil during the period of active growth - at least two times a week. Make sure that the lump does not dry out, but excess moisture in the pot and pallet should also not be allowed.

In hot weather it is recommended to spray the chrysanthemum in the morning or evening. This does not mean that the flower should be sprayed so poorly, but this procedure refreshes the plant and adds to its attractiveness.

Caring for Chrysanthemum After Blooming

As soon as the chrysanthemum fades, it should be placed dormant. Cut its shoots and place the pot with the plant in the cellar, where the chrysanthemum will wait for spring at a temperature of 37 to 21 ºF. As soon as the chrysanthemum starts to sprout new shoots, it will need to be transplanted into a large container and return to its previous conditions.

And if you don’t have the time to wait for the chrysanthemum to bloom, just order a chrysanthemum flower  bouquet right away. There are plenty of beautiful arrangements that contain this lovely flower!

Author: Sasha Middletown
Sasha Middletown
Photography enthusiast since 2015
Copywriter at TodayFlowerDelivery 
Marketing Student at University of Arizona
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Rebeka W. wrote:

The articles are always full of interesting facts that we can hardly find in one place. Here's an example - I was helping my daughter find information for her school project on chrysanthemums and this site came in handy. Thank you for your help!

Darrel Zulauf wrote:

For so long I wondered why my chrysanthemums turned yellow and died. I never knew that their soil should always be moist and they should be watered regularly. I hope I can do better with the new bushes we planted in the garden.
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