The Garden in Winter

Nov 14, 2022

Have you wondered whether you can still maintain your garden during the winter season? The answer is positive! You can still take care of your garden and you actually should do it! Moreover, you should keep putting effort into growing your plants even when they are in their “dormant” period. Here we will help you to have a splendid green garden as soon as the spring arrives!

Garden in Winter Image

Garden in Winter Image

How to Preserve The Garden During Winter

One of the important tasks is the care of the grass carpet. The mosses on the grass are the most dangerous. The struggle with them is long and difficult. The best environment for their appearance is excessively wet soil, as well as the appearance of stagnant water. They like a shady spot, and their appearance is mainly due to the fact that after the grass is cut, it is left in place and accumulates. Fallen leaves on trees also lead to the appearance of harmful mosses. Therefore, cleaning and aerating the garden grass is one of the main cares for the garden in winter.

Pruning the bushes

The end of winter and the onset of early spring is a good time to prune perennials and annuals that flower in summer and fall. Such are spirea, tree hydrangea, clematis and other species. Cut them 10-15 inches above the soil. Drooping shrubs such as dogwood hazel, black elder and others may also need a refreshing trim.

Check the trees

Pay attention to your trees too. Collect the dry leaves, remove the rotten branches. Check for pest nests. Also look at the trunk of the tree. If you see overwintering pests, pick them off and destroy them. You can also do a refreshing deworming. In general, do a thorough cleaning, inspect the condition, and if there is a disease somewhere, catch it in the bud and treat it in time. This way you will ensure a healthy tree that will bear a lot of fruit.

If you have roses, don't forget about them

The rose is a delicate flower and even if it is resistant, it also needs its care and inspection. At the beginning of the season, daytime temperatures rise, but at night they become low again. Condensation can form in the shelter of roses. Excess moisture can harm the flower, becoming a great environment for the development of fungal diseases. This also applies to the other flowers.

To avoid such a development, it is important to ventilate regularly. During the day, when the temperatures are above zero, you can lift the cover slightly so that fresh air enters. Apply this practice to all plants that love heat and winter with shelter.

Don't forget to check your fruit trees the same way. They are also sensitive to temperatures, but also to various fungal diseases with improper ventilation and care.

And don’t forget about spraying for protection. This should always be done in positive temperatures and no wind, and digging and turning the ground just before the first spring month will give the plants a good opportunity to start actively flowering. Undoubtedly, this hack is also important when it comes to winter garden care.

In the end, just by following those few steps, your garden will be refreshed and ready for the warm weather when spring arrives. And if you miss the presence of fresh blooms, you can always order seasonal flowers online. That way, you will be able to enjoy the beauty of flowers any time of the year.

Author: Sasha Middletown
Sasha Middletown
Photography enthusiast since 2015
Copywriter at TodayFlowerDelivery 
Marketing Student at University of Arizona
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